Monday, 15 December 2014

Critical Investigation - draft

Migrain - higlighted in red
Wider context - highlighted in yellow (Social, Political, Historical, Economical)

Questions: To what extent and why is wearable technology, specifically Google Glass, a threat to society?


Technology has changed so much and has led to various forms of people being able to access information, for example smart watches, tablets and smart glasses are all example of how this has be done. Therefore traditional methods for audience to access media was through computers smart phones and tablets however with technology changing and becoming more developed, new ways have been developed an example of this is Google glass. Based on needs to and accessibility of the market Google glass has been a product designed as an answer for the masses, it is fair to say that Google glass was a product influenced by the masses. It can also be argued the Google glass may even revolutionise the way that both businesses and consumers operate. However the still argument that there are mass amount of privacy concerns due to Google glass being able to record and take pictures of people without knowledge. 

P1-Historical text & moral panic

I will be looking at how mile stones that have changed the way that we have lived, for instance the alphabet and the internet are two examples that were feared when introduced. This is an example of moral panic (cohen) the reason for this is because moral panic means An instance of public anxiety or alarm in response to a problem regarded as threatening the moral standards of society. This therefore is a prime example of how Google glass is an example of a type or moral panic, with audience not understanding the product. Google glass was first released to developers in order to generate more apps for Google glass, this had gone on for over a year before it was made available to the public. The developers and people that had access to the new technology were application developers, celebrities and technology review companies. This was for several reason one being in order to create more app as mentioned before, worn by celebrities as in to promote and get free publicity for Google glass. Finally it was given to companies in order to test and reviews which would be seen by the masses, however this had shown to have created many problems with many companies raising concerns to privacy.Now, this is not to say the panics are always misguided. Centralized social networking really does create privacy problems; cyberpredation does occur, if rarely. But the bigger problem with panic-mongers is their insistence that each technological past was a golden age of civility and contemplation, when it was no such thing. And hilariously, many now rhapsodize nostalgically over tools that themselves were once demonized—as with modern complaints that the interwebs are killing that emotionally vibrant interaction, the telephone call. (

P2- privacy

Many other technologies have faced similar changes in expectations over time. Warren and Brandeis' famous definition of privacy as "the right to be let alone" came about in part because new cameras in the late 19th century made it possible to take photographs in just several seconds, invading "the sacred precincts of private and domestic life." warren and brandies defines privacy tas "It could be done only on principles of private justice, moral fitness, and public convenience, which, when applied to a new subject, make common law without a precedent ; much more when received and approved by usage."

The appearance of Eastman's cameras was so sudden and so pervasive that the reaction in some quarters was fear. A figure called the "camera fiend" began to appear at beach resorts, prowling the premises until he could catch female bathers unawares. One resort felt the trend so heavily that it posted a notice: "PEOPLE ARE FORBIDDEN TO USE THEIR KODAKS ON THE BEACH." Other locations were no safer. For a time, Kodak cameras were banned from the Washington Monument. The "Hartford Courant" sounded the alarm as well, declaring that "the sedate citizen can't indulge in any hilariousness without the risk of being caught in the act and having his photograph passed around among his Sunday school children."
Similarly, in the book America Calling, sociologist Claude Fischer documented the social history of the telephone. In one of my favourite passages, Fischer observed that at first, many people actually objected to having landline phones in their homes, because it
"Permitted intrusion... by solicitors, purveyors of inferior music, eavesdropping operators, and even wire-transmitted germs." (

P3- benefits

David Bulman, chief information officer, said: 'We are going to start with Google Glass, but we are trialling a number of different glasses.
'We're trialling apps that allow staff to take a picture of your passport, which then works with our systems to find your booking and other information.

'We have done trials with printers that sit on people's belts, so that we can print off boarding passes.'

"the individual shall have full protection in person and in property is a principle as old as the common law; but it has been found necessary from time to time to define an the exact nature and extent of such protection" Warren and Brandies

in 2013 during the early release of google glass for developer the first “crime” had taken place, a women was pulled over by police when the women was fined for using the glass. the passenger was initially pulled over due to speeding but however after being pull over the women was fined for using the google glass. the women from San Diego was fined for the glass once the police had seen it, the law states that drivers are prohibited from having a television receiver and video monitor.

However developers are no creating applications in order to enhance the driving experience by improving road safety. The app “DriveSafe4Glass” was the first apps that was trialled on the glass and was considered the “stepping stone” in to road safety. This is due to the app being able to track eye movement and ensure that the driver does not fall asleep. Google has integrated google maps in to the glass by allowing users to be able to see maps on the go, however there are arguments that this is a distraction and then it can lead to accidents. Other information has shown this to be beneficial as it can allow for turn by turn directions show speed limits and be able to show exits more clearly other devices.  

P4- technological exploits

with technology exploits also follow and therefore new threats develop an example is national security, where people will can take advantage of the government and be able to put people at danger. an example "Usually in the healthcare environment, it is only the patient who is stationary—everything else is mobile," said Andy David, Health care Director, SAP APJ. "With the help of the Google Glass, doctors can attend to multiple patients, engage with them and see almost twice as many patients during the rounds. Doctors can take accurate notes on the Google Glass itself." however is this information is leaked or access is broken into the it can lead to confidential data being leaked and information being adjusted such as medication adjustments and private data like addressees being leaked. this is an example of how new technology can be used to exploit people.

google glass and national security- a video was posted by Bob Gourley who talks about the concerns that he feels that google glass had created,  coded messages could become dangerous as it means that it can allow for encrypted messages to be sent which would be a national security concern. Another issues is in regards to facial recognition as this can lead to identity theft as well as being able to find information about people for example social networking information of a person can e found. It can also allow for virtual blueprint which could lead to terrorism concerns, as this could show vulnerabilities of building and entrances that are not known to the public.

P5- other examples of moral panic.

The articles talks about how technology has no effect on the audience that use them but rather is based upon 3 rules that effect a people and therefore create moral panic.

  • space
  • time
  • social relations 
however although these are three factors that contribute in order to create a techno panic a minimum of two are applied before techno panic can occur. for example Google glass applies to both space and time as well as social relations the reason for this is because it allows data as well as information to be sent over a distance as well well in a short time time but social relations is one of the biggest issues with people using emotions more and more people can read emotions effectively as they once could. application have been developed in order to understand emotions of an individual this can help those who are disabled but also help people on a general basis however its arguable that the app was created due to people not being able to read emotions.

the internet was first seen as a negative form of technology, it was suggested that the internet would not catch up. however evidently the internet has not only caught up but have revolutionized the world , becoming an form of technology that no business can operate without. from small businesses to massive institutions the internet have been used for everything including hospitals. however with more understanding the masses have now even ale to utilize the technology and benefit from it, however the internet was also very expensive at its early stages which would be another factor that had made people reluctant to use and support the internet.

This can be suggested with Google glass the reason for this is because because is very expensive and a new form of technology that is different, it can be argued that why it has been seen in a negative way. another argument is that when the internet was first released there were not enough laws nor understanding of cyber crime such as privacy concerns and copy right. therefore with more knowledge and more laws in place it is arguable that Google glass for that reason has been criticized. the documentary of the internet explains that many businesses that accessed it wanted it purely as a tool in order to create newspaper easily and be able to print documents quickly, but also did not want to earn any money however  now is the complete opposite and now is used to make money. this is similar to my topic the reason is because currently Google glass has been criticized for possibly not being understood , therefore it is arguable that with time the glasses will be more supported and accepted by society for instance google glass being used in hospitals.

Greek philosopher Socrates saw the advent of the written word as a massive threat to society - he feared it would undermine the oral culture of the time. Writing, Socrates argued, would "introduce forgetfulness into the soul of those who learn it", degrading humans' capacity to remember. He also feared writing would give students the appearance of wisdom without the actuality of intellect.
In Socrates' view, true knowledge could only be obtained through discourse - actual verbal dialogue between speakers - thus writing's mute marks were dumb in both senses, incapable of teaching humanity anything.
The internet is another example that has revolutionised the way the world now operates

Today's popular concerns include the amorphous fear that the internet somehow rots your brain. The internet is apparently destroying our ability to contemplate the deep and serious issues of the day. As a result of exposure to so much data, we're now mental channel-hoppers, only capable of laughing at cat videos and writing inane comments on YouTube.
Other fears attached to the web are that having access to so many distractions at every digital twist and turn is ruining our ability to concentrate, making us a distracted generation too, possessed of the mental longevity of goldfish.

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